
Truth Technologies's Sentinel is a unique, high-speed identity verification system for use by any institution seeking to comply with US Patriot Act, OFAC, and other regulatory compliance requirements. We offer this product in three pricing plans: you may purchase a monthly license which allows you to run as many checks as you want, you can pay on a per check basis, or you can use our one time screening service and have TTI screen your customers for you.

Our one time screening service allows financial institutions to give our professional services group a list of customer or entity names which we then screen against the World-Check, or other government watch lists, using Sentinel. This eliminates the need for the customer to do any integration and allows customers to screen their entire customer list quickly and efficiently. The names to be screened can be provided in a spread sheet or other delimited file format. Results can be returned directly to the customer in XML documents, excel spread sheets or can be accessed directly through the Sentinel application. For more information, please contact us by clicking

To discuss opening a monthly account or having a one time screen performed please contact our sales team. To start using the systems now on a per check basis please continue.