

New Data Alert Data and Continuous Customer Monitoring Process (CCM)

What is the difference between the New Data Alert (NDA) and the (CCM) process?

Both the NDA and CCM process allow you to check customers that have already been screened against changes in the Sanction and PEP lists. The differences between the two processes are the requirements for entering data and the underlying data sources that support the process.

The NDA process requires that a full file of customer data be submitted each time customer monitoring is performed. This is usually done by submitting a new batch which contains all current customer data. Sentinel then compares the most recent batch to previous batches to determine if any new or updated matches exist.

The CCM process allows customers that have already been screened to be screened again against changes in the Sanction and PEP lists. The CCM processes takes existing client data already stored in Sentinel and marked for monitoring and looks for any new or updated matches exist. If new or updated matches exist the results are logged under a separate user account, usually named as yourCompanyNameMonitoring. More than one set of source data may be logged into the same monitoring account. You may choose to be notified by e-mail if any matches are found.

CCMNo customer action requiredOnly supported with the Truth Technologies database
New customer data must be added using a separate process, online, batch or real time API
Changes to customer data must be maintained in Sentinel
NDAComplete control over when the customer re-screening process runs
Supports four data sources
No need to track customer data changes in Sentinel
Must upload entire customer list each time process is run
Generates additional data in the audit log which may increase the size of reports

Data Sources Supported

New Data Alert Data Sources

Data SourceDate UpdatedLabel ID
Bank of EnglandUpdated_on10736
Truth Technologies Baseupdated10736
Truth Technologies Premiumupdated10736
Truth Technologies Iran IEIupdated10736

Continuous Customer Monitoring

Data SourceDate UpdatedLabel ID
Truth Technologies Baseupdated10736
Truth Technologies Premiumupdated10736
Truth Technologies Iran IEIupdated10736

Monitoring User Preferences

New Data Alert: The default functionality of the New Data Alert (NDA) features compares current and previous applicant or customer screening risk results based on account number or other unique identifier supplied by you the client. If a previous customer match exists that has the same account number and matches the same watch list data a Duplicate risk result is produced. This saves you the time of having to remediate matches where none of the underlying data has changed.

Update Class (C1-C4): Allows users to identify what type of updates are returned as part of the monitoring processes and exclude non-critical updates.

PEP Type: Support for matching only certain types of Politically exposed Persons, for instance National, Regional, NGO, Local, etc.

Exclude False Positives: Exclude new and updated profiles if the profile has previously been reviewed and marked as a false positive.

User Preference Support

 Update Class (C1-C4)PEP TypeExclude False Positives